Python是动态类型语言(dynamically typed language),在程序的执行过程中,变量的名字可以与不同类型的值进行绑定.语言的特性和c语言有很大的不同,c语言中一个变量名是代表固定的类型,大小,内存地址.
Python是动态类型(Dynamically typed)和强类型(Strong typed)语言.
#!/usr/bin python
principal = 1000
rate = 0.05
numyears = 10
year = 1
while year <= numyears:
principal = principal * (1 + rate)
# print year, principal
# print "%3d %0.2f" % (year, principal)
# print format(year, "2d"), format(principal, "0.2f")
print "{0:2d} {1:0.2f}".format(year, principal)
year += 1
代码中的变量principal最开始bound是integer(principal = 1000),执行过程中bound float(principal = principal * (1 + rate)).
%d %s %f
是special formatting-character,用来定义特定类型数据的格式,例如整数、字符串和浮点数,special formatting-character可以包含修饰符(modifiers)用来修饰宽度(width)和precision(精度),例如%3d %0.2f
#!/usr/bin python
f = open("")
line = f.readline()
while line:
print line, #trailing ',' omits newline character
# print(line, end='') #use in Python 3
line = f.readline()
for line in open(""):
print line,
#!/usr/bin python
principal = 1000
rate = 0.05
numberyears = 15
year = 1
f = open("out", "w")
while year <= numberyears:
principal = principal * (1 + rate)
print >> f, "%3d %0.3f" % (year, principal)
year += 1
标准输入与输出读写 #!/usr/bin python
import sys
#print "Enter your name:",
#name = sys.stdin.readline()
name = raw_input("Enter your name:")
print "Welcome",name,"!"
a = "Hello World"
b = 'Python is groovy'
c = """Computer says 'NO'"""
Triple-quoted strings are useful when the contents of a string literal span multiple lines of text.
x = 3.4
s = "The value of x is" + str(x)
s = "The value of x is" + repr(x)
s = "The value of x is" + format(x, "0.4f")
str() 和 repr() 都可以产生字符串,但两者的结果略有不同,前者是输出结果的样子,而后者是在计算机中的实际表示.
Lists are sequences of arbitrary objects.
#!/usr/bin python
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "Please supply a filename"
raise SystemExit(1)
f = open(sys.argv[1])
lines = f.readlines()
fvalues = [float(line) for line in lines]
print "The minimum value is ", min(fvalues)
print "The maximum value is ", max(fvalues)
print sys.argv[0]
fvalues = [float(line) for line in lines]
可以简写成fvalues = [float(line) for line in open(sys.argv[1])]
,这种强有力重构list的方法称为list comprehension.
To create simple data structures, you can pack a collection of values together into a single object using a tuple.
Note: the contents of a tuple cannot be modified after creation. This reflects the fact that a tuple is best viewed as a single object consisting of several parts, not as a collection of distinct objects to which you might insert or remove items. Tuples are immutable.
#!/usr/bin python
filename = "portfolio.csv"
portfolio = []
for line in open(filename):
fields = line.split(",")
name = fields[0]
shares = int(fields[1])
price = float(fields[2])
stock = (name, shares, price)
print portfolio[1]
A set is used to contain an unordered collection of objects.
a = t | s #并集 Union of t and s
b = t & s #交集 Intersection of t and s
c = t - s #补集 Set difference (items in t, but not in s)
d = t ^ s #异或 Symmetric difference(items in t or s, but not both)
A directory is an associate array or hash table that comntains indexed by keys.
stodk = {
"name" : "GOOG"
"shares" : 100
"price" : 490.10
prices = {} # An empty dict
prices = dicr() # An enmty dict
range(i, j, [,stride])
You can use the def
statement to create a function
#!/usr/bin python
def countdown(n):
print "Counting down!"
while n > 0:
yield n # thd statement create generator
n -= 1
c = countdown(9)
for i in countdown(5):
print i
Specially, when you write a statement such as for item in s, s could represent
a list of items
,the lines of a file
,the result of a generator function
, orany number of other objects that support iteration
Normally, functions operate on a sigle set of input arguements. However, a function can also be written to operate as a task that process a sequence of inputs send to it. This type of function is known as a coroutine and is created by using the yieled statement as an expression (yield)
#!/usr/bin python
def print_matches(matchtext):
print "Looking for", matchtext
while True:
line = (yield)
if matchtext in line:
print line
matcher = print_matches("python")
matcher.send("Hello, world!")
matcher.send("python is cool!")
matcher.send("I love python!")
impourt div as foo
from div import divide
from div import *
是 line-continue character.但是,当遇到truple-quoted string,list,Tuple,directory跨越多行时,不需要line-contine符号.
Python的结构是由缩进来决定的,例如:方法体(bodies of functions),条件语句,循环语句和类的定义,如果这些结构中只包含一个语句,可以将它们放在同一行中.
str = '4'
str(4) #报错,str函数已经被上面的定义给破坏了.
Python中的数据都是以对象的形式而存在的,每一个对象都有一个标识(identity),一个类型(type or called class)和一个值(Value).
returns the identity of an object as an integer, this integer usually corresponds to the object’s location.
returns the type of an object.
Example of compare two objects:
def compare(a, b):
if a is b:
# a and b is the same object
if a == b:
# a and b have the same value
if type(a) is type(b):
# a and b has the same type
isInstance(object ,type)
return whether the object is an object of the type.
Example for type checking:
if isinstance(s, list):
if isinstance(d, dict):
当引用计数变为0时,对象会被回收(garbage-collected);但是有些时候循环引用(circular dependency)会出现在集合的使用中,在程序执行的过程中,cycle-detection algorithm会定期的执行来处理这个问题.
Example for circular dependency:
a = {}
b = {}
a['b'] = b
b['a'] = a
del a
del b
When program makes an assignment a = b, a new reference to b is created.
如果b是像stirngs或者numbers等不可变对象,则上面的赋值实际上是copy了一个b对象, a和b指向的是不同的对象;如果是可变的对象,则直接将引用赋值给a, a和b指向的是相同的对象.
针对集合类的copy有两种形式: shallow copy and deep copy. A shallow copy creates a new object but populate it with reference to the items contained in the origin object; A deep copy creates a new object an recursively copies all the objects it contains.
Example for reference and copy:
a = [1, 2, 3, 5]
b = a
b is a #return True
b[2] = -100 # a = [1, 2, -100, 5]
Example for shallow copy:
a = [1, 2, [3, 4]];
b = list(a)
b is a #return False
b.append(100) #b = [1, 2, [3, 4], 100]; a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
b[2, 0] = -100 # b = [1, 2, [-100, 4], 100]; a = [1, 2, [-100, 4]]
Example for deep copy:
import copy
a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
b = copy.deepcopy(a)
b[2, 0] = -100 #b = [1, 2, [-100, 4]]; a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]
first-class object表示对对象的使用没有限制,和其他的对象没有区别.
A first-class is an entity that can be dynamically created, destroyed, passed to a function, return as a value, and have all the rights as other variables in the programming language have.
All objects in Python are said to be “first class”. This means that all objects that can be named by identifier have equal status. It also means that all objects that can be named can be treated as data.
#!/user/bin/ python
#the first class nature can be seen by adding some more unusual items
items = {'number': 42, 'text': "Hello World"}
items["func"] = abs #add the abs() function
import math
items['mod'] = math #add an module
items['error'] = ValueError #add an exception type
items['append'] = nums.append #add a method of another object
Convert a line to a list
line = "Google,100,490.10"
field_types = [str, int, float]
raw_fields = line.split(',')
fields = [ty(val) for ty, val in zip(field_types, raw_fields)]
Python提供了一个null对象(an object with no value),在程序中写成: None
Python提供5中数值类型: Booleans, integer, long integer(Pyton3中已经没有区分integer和long integer), floating-point numbers and complex numbers.
Python的Boolean变量是: True, False. True和False分别mapping为1和0.
Sequences represents
strings and tuples are immutable; all sequences support iteration.
The build-in function list(s) converts any iterable type to a list. If s is already a list, this funciton constructs a new list that is a shallow copy of s.